Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013


1.1 Background of Study
Indonesia is one of the Asian countries shaped the diversity in unity are having a wide variety of languages, religion, tribes, ethnicity, even culture. This diversity that distinguish each of its inhabitants. The culture that exist in Indonesia usually called with Eastern Culture. A lot of culture in Indonesia deeply affect the pattern of thought and customs used mostly the people of Indonesia is noted for its  this. One of the unique existing in Indonesia was kissing the hands to one who is older, shake hands using the right hand, smile and to others, say hello to deliberation in consensus, and mutual worked together to. Other cultures that exists in a Eastern Culture was a courtesy in dressing.
Another case with a culture that is in european countries we usually call with western culture. Understanding of western culture use science and philosophy. Westerners do various kinds of discussion to determine culture of the original. Western society had a culture that frees it’s inhabitants in interact. The utilization of was technology advanced also mentioned western culture that is reflected from an industrial nation. Of how they interact, western culture always kiss the cheeks and west inclined individualist society. About time, western culture more discipline, put them together they  are always on time if holding a meeting.
Currently the Eastern culture which is known with his clothes and linens had almost no difference with Western culture that uses a tanktop or a bikini. The cultural contamination that occurred not only on how to dress but also on Eastern customs people who used to greet with a kiss the hand of an older, now some quarters already familiar with kiss on the cheek to others, even the opposite sex. In food, consumers have been very fond of fast food that is actually a food from Western culture. Modern society nowadays prefer fried chicken, hamburgers, and hot dogs rather than deep-fried crust, egg, or gado gado.

The shrinking culture that took place in Eastern communities it is considered to follow Western culture which was considered to be more modern. The uniqueness of the Eastern cultures have nearly become discouraged with the influx of Western culture that is very rapidly. It's almost no Eastern society that respects the cultural values of the East. All the more comfortable with the influx of Western culture that increasingly dominate.

1.2 Problem Formulation
The problem of the study that must be answered are:
1.      What are the differences of Eastern Culture and Western Culture?

1.3 Aim of Study
The aim of the study are:
1.      To find and describe the differences of Eastern Culture and Western Culture.

2.1 Definition of Culture
Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. (

Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. (

From the theories, the writer concludes that culture is particular group of people with many differences from language, cusini, religion, and habit. Culture in some country are different, especially western and eastern.

2.2 Definition of Eastern Culture

Originaly the people that live in the republic of Indonesia had quite 'open' cultures (although under influence from the Middle East, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and Dutch,) The Indonesian culture should still be open. A culture with Asian values. The richness of the archipelago are the asian values. (

Eastern culture: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of people work and thought. And these patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of Eastern, particular of eastern Asian nations and societies. (

2.3 Definition of Western Culture

Western culture is a body of knowledge derived from reason.  This foundation of reason has made possible a vast accumulation of understanding related to reality or nature, including human nature. This understanding is represented in several core ideals and values, which include individualism, happiness, rights, capitalism, science and technology. Western culture can also be referred to as advanced culture; this is because its ideas and values promote the development and sustainment of advanced civilization. (

Western culture refers to the culture of any country that is part of "the western world", and such a country is a country that has a European heritage/history with the original core major influence being the Roman and Greek empires. A western country is almost always a democracy, has a neo-liberal capitalist economy, has separation of church and state (i.e. is not a theocracy), and generally has high living standards with a materialistic and individualistic society. The USA, the UK, France, Canada and Australia are prime examples of western countries. (


3.1 Methods of Research

Qualitative Research is a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experience and the world in which they live. The wruter used the Qualitative Research Methodology, which produce descriptive data like browse source data from internet.

3.2 Technique of Collecting Data

1.      Browse the source of data about differences of Eastern Culture and Western Cultute from
2. Understanding clearly the differences of Eastern Culture and Western Culture.

3.3 Conclusion
After the writer analyzed  about differences of Eastern Culture and Western Culture, the writer concludes that Eastern Culture and Western Culture has many differences which is very interesting to figure out. But now these Eastern cultures are already contaminated with Western culture. Even the true Eastern culture was almost extinct. Starting from the clothes, the flow of the music, the food, everything was already dominated by Western culture become increasingly global.
Indonesian culture with european culture very different 180 degrees, from customs until mindset, even the way society interact among very different. Each having advantages and disadvantages of that can only be perceived by each of its people.